By the definition of manslaughter in Section 317 of the Criminal Code Act, it means unlawfully killing of a human being in such circumstances that does not properly or fully constitute the offence of Murder. This can happen by the Voluntary or Involuntary act of the accused person.
An example of Voluntary Manslaughter is a situation where a person voluntarily or purposefully kills another but under such circumstance of Provocation (S. 318 CCA) that in the instant or in sudden reaction, he would be seen to have been robbed of his reasoning faculty. EKEOZOR V. THE STATE (2018) HELAR; SIMEON V. THE STATE (2018) HELAR
An Involuntary Manslaughter would be held to be the offence committed where the accused person had no intention to kill or do anyone grievous bodily harm, or where death results from an unlawful act likely to cause harm but not grievous harm or death yet death occurred nonetheless, or where death results from gross negligent act in the course of doing a lawful act. ADESINA V. THE PEOPLE OF LAGOS STATE (2019) HELAR.