No, under the Nigerian laws, abortion is an offence. By virtue of Section 228 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap.C38 LFN, 2004 any person who, with intent to procure miscarriage of a woman, whether she is or not with child, unlawfully administers to her or causes her to take any poison or other noxious thing, or uses any force of any kind, or uses any other means whatever, is guilty of a felony which is punishable with imprisonment for fourteen (14) years. Where the pregnant woman tries to procure the abortion herself and on herself, she would be liable to imprisonment for seven (7) years. But where a person merely gets the materials for abortion and supplies same to a pregnant woman, that other person would be liable to imprisonment for three (3) years.
See Sections 228, 229 and 230 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap.C38 LFN, 2004