arrangement for payment of bills

Q670. When a customer has difficulty paying his electricity consumption bill sent to him, is there anything under the rules of engagement that he can leverage on to enter into agreement with the Disco to pay later, without being disconnected for non-payment

Yes, there is. Whenever a customer anticipates difficulty in fully paying an electricity bill at the due date, the customer can contact the distribution company who shall determine the customer’s capacity to pay the outstanding bill and where satisfied, the company may arrange with the customer an acceptable manner how the bill is to be paid. Regulation 14(1) NERC’s Meter Reading, Cash Collection and Credit Management for Electricity Supply Regulation 2007.

Q671. Is such an arrangement for payment of bills limited to outstanding bills

Entering arrangement between a Disco and a Customer for agreed manner of payment of electricity consumption bills is not limited to outstanding bill but also available for future bills including advance payments for one or more future bills. Regulation 14(2) NERC’s Meter Reading, Cash Collection and Credit Management for Electricity Supply Regulation 2007.

Q672. In order to avoid misunderstanding, are there some specific things that the Disco must do or set down before the customer prior to the conclusion and adoption of an arrangement for payment of bill with its customer

Yes, there is. Before adopting an arrangement for payment between it and a customer, a Disco must confirm to the customer, usually in writing, the following; i. The amount. ii. Date of each installment. iii. The number of installments. iv. Details of the bills covered by the arrangement to pay. Regulation 14(4) NERC’s Meter Reading, Cash Collection and Credit Management for Electricity Supply Regulation 2007.