connection & disconnection of customers

Q593. Are the distribution companies not obligated to grant the requests for power connection of an intending customer? I have made an application for power connection to my premises for over three (3) months now, yet nothing has been done. .

The Discos are obligated to grant the request for power connection of an applicant. In fact, it is a compulsory obligation that the distribution company cannot disregard. Upon receipt of an application, the distribution company must; i. Provide the customer in writing with its terms and condition of supply as approved by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission. ii. Connect the customers supply address as soon as practicable, but not later than 48 hours after the customer applied for connection. Regulation 2(a)(b) NERC Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q594. What must be contained in the notice that a distribution company must give to the defaulting customer

The notice the distribution company must give to a defaulting customer must contain: i. The date of its delivery to the supply address or any other address provided by the customer. ii. A telephone number and/or address acceptable to the distribution company where the customer can request assistance for paying the outstanding bill. Regulation 5(f)(i)(ii) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q595. What if my address does not fall within the supply address of the distribution company, are there any specific requirement I must satisfy?

Yes. In addition to the former stated requirements, you will also need to; Provide a declaration of supply requirements completed by an appropriate authority in the format required by the distribution company and approved by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission. Regulation 3 Nigerian Electricity Regulation Commission’s connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Service 2007.

Q596. Is it compulsory that an electricity distribution company must issue all bills in the name of the customer

Yes, all bills must be issued in the name of the customer. However, the customer can agree with the distribution company against this and when this is the case, the distribution company has no right to issue all future bills in the customer’s name. Regulation 2(1) NERC Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q597. Am I not entitled to a meter upon the payment of all charges as provided and approved by the NERC? Is it proper for the electricity distribution company to request another sum of money for meter by whatever other name?

Where a customer pays all charges as approved by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission to the Disco, the distribution company is mandated to make an appointment with the customer to fit a meter and connect electricity supply to the customer’s address immediately. It is wrong for the Disco to demand for another sum of money for the purpose of fitting in a meter. Whether it is called installation fee, or whatever other name, it is illegal. Regulation 4 NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q598. At what point can a distribution company disconnect a customer?

A distribution company may disconnect a customer’s supply to electricity when the customer has not paid correct and valid bills for three consecutive payment periods (months), even after the Disco has done all the other requirements that the Disco itself is meant to satisfy. Regulation 5 NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

It is important to counsel that you need to note that NERC Regulation 5 says that it has to be that the customer has failed, refused or neglected to pay his electricity consumption bills for three (3) Consecutive billing periods (months). Note also that it has to be that the DISCO has done all that it is required and supposed to do on its own part. Whenever the law is worded as done here "... has done all other requirement" it does not mean all that can possibly be done even outside the statutory requirement. It may be loosely interpreted to mean what the law obligated it to do and which may be necessary in the circumstance to achieve the required results. All of these mean that: i. The failure to pay the electricity consumption bills must be for, not just three (3) times, but 3 Consecutive times (periods)

ii. It must not be that the reason for which the customer failed to pay is because the DISCO failed to do something that it is supposed to do or failed to do it properly, for example, the DISCO failed to supply electricity for the period, or sent the electricity consumption bills to the wrong address.

iii. It is also important that it is understood that what we are talking about here concerns only functional Meter recorded and generated electricity consumption bills, not some ESTIMATED BILLS - an outlawed thing that can only be countenanced under other circumstances covered in this our Summary Notes of the Nigerian Electricity Law under other probing Questions and Answers.

Q599. Can a distribution company refuse to connect a customer upon receipt of the customer’s application for connection?

Yes. A distribution company has the power to refuse to connect a customer not minding his or her application if the customer does not provide a form of application acceptable to the company. The intending customer must provide sufficient identification of the premises he intends power to be connected to. Regulation 7 NERC Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q600. What role must the distribution company satisfy when rejecting a customer application on the ground of insufficient identification

i. The distribution company must give the customer at least 10 working days’ notice in writing to provide the necessary form of identification.

ii. The distribution company must satisfy that the customer failed to provide required form of identification. Regulation 7 NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q601. Are there instances where a distribution company will rightly disconnect a customer without first issuing a notice

Yes. A distribution company will disconnect a customer without the need to issue notice in the following circumstances; i. Where the customer is connected illegally to the distribution’s network. ii. Where the distribution company considers a customer’s installation to be dangerous to health and/or the integrity of the network and the quality of supply to other customers. iii. Where due to any act or omission of a customer, a meter located in his premises is inaccessible to be read for a period of 3 months consecutively. Regulation 6(a)(b)(c) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q602. If I desire to have electric power supplied and connected to my home, how do I go about it?

Whenever a customer desires the supply of electricity to his home for example and his or her address falls within an existing supply address of a Disco, the customer is expected to do the following; i. Submit to the distribution company an application in your name in the format required by the distribution company and approved by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission. ii. Accept the terms and conditions of the distribution company as approved by the commission. iii. Pay any connection charge or security deposit required by the distribution company as approved by the commission. iv. Provide the distribution company with acceptable identification and all information necessary to enable the distribution company to arrange to provide electricity supply to the address. Regulation 1 Nigerian Electricity Regulation Commission’s connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Service 2007. But, of course, we all know by experience that those houses and premises that have always been connected to the old NEPA just automatically and seamlessly were hooked up by the Discos without any need for new applications for connection.

Q603. Does this mean that a customer’s electricity can be disconnected indiscriminately simply because he is unable to pay the bill for the month?

No. A distribution company cannot indiscriminately disconnect a customer on the ground of non-payment of bill. In determining whether or not to disconnect a customer, the distribution company must consider the following; i. That the payment date was clearly shown on the bill. ii. That the payment date is at least 10 working days from the date of delivery of the bill to the supply address as provided by the customer and as accepted by the distribution company. iii. Payment date has not been superseded by a subsequent payment date issued to the same customer for the same supply address. iv. The period between the payment date and the date of disconnection is not less than 3 months. v. The distribution company has verified from its record that the bill has not been paid. vi. The distribution company must give written notice of its intention to discontent the customer if payment is not made within a stipulate date. Regulation 5 NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q604. Can the distribution company just proceed to disconnect a customer because his meter was inaccessible for 3 months consecutive bills

No. for this to be a ground upon which the distribution company can disconnect a customer without notice, the distribution company must first; i. Inform the customer by written notice or telephone contact regarding the inaccessibility of the meter and request him to provide access arrangement but he fails to do so. ii. Give the customer a written warning that unless he provides access by a given date (which shall not be less than 10 working days to enable the customer to provide reasonable access arrangement) electricity supply to the customer shall be disconnected. Regulation 6(c)(i)(ii) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q605. Why is the distribution company refusing to disconnect the electricity supply to my premises in spite of my request that they do so? Is this right

The distribution company must comply with the request of the customer to disconnect their service from his premises. The distribution company cannot refuse to act in accordance with such request of a customer who is unwilling to continue the relationship with them. However, before the request of an unwilling customer is complied with, the distribution company must first carry out proper investigation into the request of the customer and may refuse the request of the customer if any action by the company to that effect will affect the other occupants of the premises who have access to the supply of electricity especially where their consent was not sought and obtained. Regulation 8(1) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q606. I made a complaint about the electricity bill issued to me and the reply to the complaint is yet to be received. The electricity distribution company has nevertheless threatened to disconnect my light in spite of my unresolved complaint. Is this right?

No. where a customer makes a complaint about an electricity bill in accordance with the commission’s customer complaint procedure and the complaint remains unresolved, the customer’s electricity cannot be disconnected. Regulation 10(1)(d) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q607. In spite of different laws that seek to protect electricity consumers, electricity distribution companies still have no regard for existing laws in their dealings with customers. Are they subjected to penalty when they breach the laws

Of course, they are. The distribution companies are not bigger than the law, no one is. As such, where it is evident that an electricity distribution company has indeed breached any relevant law or the regulation in the course of its operations, and as regards the disconnection of a customer’s light, the company shall be held liable to such customer. Furthermore, it should always be born in mind that the relationship between an electricity energy consumer (customer) and a Disco is a contractual one. Any breach of such contract therefore will be a ground upon which the offended party can seek redress in court. Regulation 11 NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q608. The amount I owe “Ikoro Electricity Distribution Company” is less than the value of my one month’s usage. Is it right for the electricity distribution company to disconnect me on the ground of non-payment

No. The distribution company has no right or authority to disconnect a customer on the ground of non-payment of electricity bill where the amount owed by the customer is less than the value of his month’s usage. Regulation 10(1)(c) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q609. Is it proper for an electricity distribution company to disconnect electricity supply to any premises where a life support machine is in use, a fact of which the Disco is aware?

No. Where an electricity distribution company is aware that a life support machine is being used in a premise, then the company cannot disconnect the electricity to that premises. It is wrong, illegal and improper for them to even attempt to do so. Regulation 10(2) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q610. Electricity supply to my premises has been disconnected, but the Disco continues to bill me. Is this right

No. It is not right for a customer who has his electricity supply disconnected to continue being billed. It is wrong and illegal. A customer can only be made to pay for the electricity supply he consumed. Regulation 8(2) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q611. The Disco in charge of electricity distribution in my area has disconnected the electricity supply to our premises without giving any reason whatsoever. Is this right?

No. it is not proper for a distribution company to disconnect electricity supply without giving any reason for it. When disconnecting electricity, the distribution company must leave a written notice of disconnection advising the customer of the following: i. The date and time of disconnection. ii. The reason for disconnection. iii. The actions to be taken by the customer to have the electricity supply reconnected. iv. The contact address and telephone number of the distribution company. Anything short of this is wrong. Regulation 9 NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q612. I was disconnected from ‘X’ DISCO’s electric supply, can I apply to be reconnected?

Yes. However, you will have to formalize your electricity supply arrangement to the satisfaction of the distribution company. You also have to pay all charges as stated by the company and as approved by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission. Regulation 12(c) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q613. I was disconnected on the ground that my electrical installation is dangerous to health. What can I do

To get reconnected, you will first have to rectify the problem associated with the installation to the satisfaction of the distribution company in the manner as approved by the commission. Regulation 12(d) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q614. Is it compulsory that I must pay the full electricity bill at the end of each month, even when the amount is much

No. it is not always compulsory that you must pay the full amount of your electricity bill at the end of each month. Electricity distribution and consumption is a contract entered into between two parties, and like every contract it must be convenient for each party. As a result, a customer can enter into a payment arrangement with the distribution company. Where this is the case, you don’t have to worry about the fear of disconnection as long as you are faithful to the terms of arrangement between you and the distribution company. Regulation 10(1)(b) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q615. “Ikoro Electricity Distribution Company has disconnected my electricity because I did not pay for last month’s meter maintenance charge” is this right

No. where it is clear that you are not indebted to the company with respect to electricity usage or sale of energy, the distribution company has no right to disconnect your electricity because of meter maintenance charge. Any act by them in this regard is wrong. Regulation 10(1)(f) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.

Q616. My light is about to be disconnected as a result of default in paying my bill. I do not have the fund to offset same yet, what can I do

A customer who is unable to pay his electricity bill can apply for assistance under the power consumers’ assistance fund or any other customer welfare mechanism approved by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission. Where this is the case, your light will be reconnected if already previously disconnected. However, you must be eligible to enjoy this service befor you can go for it. Similarly, you may as well enter into some form of payment arrangement with the distribution company. Regulation 12(a)(b), 10(1)(b) NERC’s Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services 2007.