discos compliance with customer service standards

Q617. Is an electricity distribution company not duty bound to obtain the actual reading of its customer’s meter every month?

A Disco is duty bound to obtain the actual reading of its customer’s meter every month through its representative. However, this will not be the case where a customer has been provided with an unmetered supply by the distribution company or the customer has a pre-payment meter.

Regulation 10(1)(2) Customer Service Standards of Performance for Distribution Companies 2007.

Q618. Are there instances where it will be safe and legal for an electricity distribution company not to comply with the customer service standards regulation?

Even though electricity distribution company are to comply at all times with the customer service standard regulations, the company is also allowed not to adhere to the regulations due to exceptional circumstance which will make it impossible and impracticable to adhere to it, for instance;

i. Where a customer has failed to pay the required charge due to the distribution company, and that undertaking the work requested is dependent on the customer making such payment.

ii. Where it is not reasonably practicable for the distribution company to take the action required in the specified time because of service weather condition or industrial action.

See Generally Regulation 11(a-d) NERC’s Customer Service Standards of Performance for Distribution Companies 2007.