issues of fixing meters at the consumption points

Q619. Where a customer’s meter is damaged, is it right for such customer to pay additional cost before same can be fixed or replaced

Generally, a customer’s meter once faulty will have to be fixed or replaced by the meter asset provider at no additional cost within the amortization period of the asset. However, where the damage is as a result of the willful action of the customer, then he will have to pay for repair or replacement. Regulation 16(3) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q620. Can a customer apply for the transfer of service where the customer relocates from his premises to another which is still within the franchise area of the distribution company

Yes. Where a customer relocates within the franchise area of a distribution company or licensee (Disco), the customer can apply to the distribution company (licensee) for the transfer of service. In fact, the customer can also apply for the transfer of his applicable credits for energy. Regulation 16(6) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q621. At what point will payment of metering service charge cease. Or is such payment by the customer life long?

Payment of metering service charge is not a life-long thing. The payment for metering service charge by the customer to the Meter Asset Provider will cease upon full amortization (repayment) of the meter asset over its technical life assumed in the procurement process. Regulation 17(3) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q622. If I intend to become a meter provider, are there any specific requirements I must satisfy

To become a meter asset provider, you must submit the following; i. Completed application form. ii. Certificate of incorporation and memorandum and articles of association. iii. Tax clearance certificate. iv. Certified audited financial statements for 3 consecutive years prior to the year in which the application is made. v. Detailed resumes of applicant’s board of directors, management and technical staff. vi. Ten years business plan. vii. Applicant relevant experience in asset finance, metering and other relating business.

You must also satisfy the technical and technological requirement to be a meter provider. Regulation 5 NERC’s Meter Asset Provider Regulation 2018 (Also referred to as NERC’s MAP Regulation 2018).

Q623. Does a distribution company have any right to hold the meter asset provider accountable for failing to repair a faulty meter

Yes. In the event of a prolonged delay in repairing or replacing a defective meter asset, the distribution company will be entitled to an appropriate compensation agreed with the MAP for any loss of revenue the Disco might have suffered. Regulation 14(4) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q624. What if a dispute as to what or who caused the damage of a meter (whether by the wilful act of the customer or technical fault or one resulting from normal wear and tear of normal usage) arises, how is this resolved

Where there is dispute as to what caused the damage and who should bear the responsibility of repairing or replacing a damaged meter, the customer is not made to bear the cost in that moment as the meter asset provider is obligated to first provide a new meter or fix the damaged meter, while the process of determination of what happened gets on. This is because the customer has a right to fair resolution in line with the metering code and once the customer takes this option, the MAP must provide a meter pending the resolution of the dispute. Afterwards, according to the outcome of the investigation, the party liable for the damage will be made to bear the cost. See again Regulation 16(3) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q625. Where the meter asset provider is unable to provide a meter within the billing period, how then is the customer’s electricity tariff determined

Where the MAP is unable to provide a replacement meter within a billing period, an average of the last 3 months billing/vending will be applied for the purpose of determining customer’s energy consumption. Regulation 16(5) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q626. What specific obligation does a Disco owe its customers with respect to metering

The following are obligations of a distribution licensee regarding metering in a customer’s premises; i. Develop a meter deployment plan towards the achievement of its metering targets stipulated by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission. ii. Plan and execute a transparent and competitive procurement process for the engagement of MAP’s that will supply and install meters within their franchise area. iii. Execute a metering service agreement with successful MAP’s for deployment of meters based on the distribution licensee’s meter development plan. See Generally Regulation 11 NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q627. What then happens where based on the resolution of the dispute it is found that the customer willfully damaged the meter

Where this is the case, the meter asset provider shall replace the damaged meter based on an upfront payment by the customer or other mutually agreed terms of payment. Regulation 16(4) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q628. What happens where a customer fails to pay for metering service charge

Where a customer fails to pay for metering service charge in any given month or months, as the case may be, the Disco will have the right to deduct the amount of the cumulative metering service charge from any subsequent payment the customers makes, and still hold him liable to pay whatever outstanding he would invariable still have in his account. Regulation 17(4) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q629. On whom lies the responsibility for providing meter to the customer

The distribution licensee, that is the Disco, has this responsibility. The distribution company is responsible for meeting its metering targets as specified by the NERC from time to time. They must work together with the meter assets provider to achieve this. Regulation 4(1) NERC’s Meter Reading, Cash Collection and Credit Management for Electricity Supply Regulation 2007.

Q630. With respect to meters in customer’s premises, what are the rights of the Discos regarding such meters, considering that customers’ meters are not actually owned, so to speak, by the electricity distribution companies

Even though the distribution licensees (Discos) are not the actual owners of a customer’s meter, they nevertheless work hand in hand with the meter asset providers in order to install meters in the premises of its customers. This notwithstanding, the rights of Discos over customer’s meter are as follows; i. They have access to customers’ meters installed by the meter asset provider. ii. Right to use data derived from customer meters for monitoring, billing planning and any other related activities. iii. Right to query data from customer meters for audit purpose and accuracy testing. See Generally Regulation 10 NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q631. What then are the specific rights of the meter asset providers

The rights of the Meter Asset provider (MAP) are as follows; i. Legal ownership of the meter asset until fully amortized through payment of a metering service charge by beneficiary customers. ii. Rights to be paid in full the aggregate metering service charge paid by customers during the billing cycle. iii. The right to have access to viewing rights to the vending platform associated with meters asset supplied under the MSA. iv. Access to customer premises to enable it to carry out its operations with respect to the meter asset. See Generally Regulation 12 NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q632. In distributing meters, what are the requirements that the meter asset provider must conform with

The Map: i. must conform to all specification for the meter asset and the standard for installation. ii. must obtain all necessary certifications and approvals for meters in line with extant codes, regulations and industry requirements. iii. Must engage only certificate meter service providers for the deployment of meters as provided. Regulation 13 NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q633. On whom lies the responsibility of inspecting (not reading for billing) the customer’s meter

The meter asset providers have this responsibility. The purpose is to ensure integrity and reading accuracy. When required, the MAP shall arrange for the testing and calibration of customers meters. Regulation 14(1) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q634. My meter has been damaged for five (5) days now, I have reported same to the Disco and the meter asset provider (MAP) yet nothing has been done about it. On whom does this responsibility lie

The responsibility to fix a faulty meter lies with the meter asset provider (MAP). In fact, the MAP is expected to repair, and where necessary, replace faulty meters within two (2) working days of a report by a customer. Regulation 14(2) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q635. Will a customer still be liable to pay metering service charge after reporting the incidence of faulty meter

Where the MAP fails to repair or replace a meter within 2 working days of a receiving a report, the customer cannot be liable for the payment of metering service charge for the billing period except of course the delay is as a result of inaccessibility to the customer’s premises. Regulation 14(3) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q636. What other rights does a customer enjoy with respect to the metering of customer’s premises

The right of a customer in this regard includes: i. All customers are eligible for the installation of an appropriate meter to accurately determine energy consumption and to provide for energy accounting. ii. All customers faulty meter must be repaired or replaced within 2 working days in line with the metering code. Regulation 16(1)(2) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q637. Can a customer choose to refuse the installation of meter in his premises

No. Where a customer does this, the distribution company in charge of distributing or supply of electricity to him will deny him service on account of refusal to allow for the installation of a meter by the MAP. Regulation 17(1) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q638. What are the general obligations of a customer on whose premises a meter has been installed

The customer obligated to: i. provide access for the installation and reading of the meter on his premises. ii. Ensure the safety of the meter. iii. Obligation not to tamper with the meter iv. Payment of meter service charge. See generally Regulation 17 NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.

Q639. Where a customer elects to fully pay for the meter installed in his premises, will he still be paying periodic (monthly) metering service charge

Of course, no. Where a customer elects to pay for a meter asset upfront, such a customer shall not be liable for any periodic (monthly) payment of metering service charge. Regulation 18(1) NERC MAP Regulations, 2018.