Yes. It is an essential requirement of Benin/Bini customary law that for a person to acquire a valid legal estate in any given Benin/Bini communal land, he must show that his application was recommended by the Oba for approval by the appropriate Ward Plot Allotment Committee having jurisdiction over the area in which the land is situated. The rationale for doing so rests on the fact that prior to the coming into effect of the Land Use Act, 1978, land in Benin was vested in the Oba who holds the land in trust on behalf of his people, being the beneficial owners. Ogbeide V. Amadasun (2017) All FWLR (Pt. 904) 1139; Isaac V.Omasuen (2007) All FWLR (Pt. 379) 689 pp. 1163-1164, paras. G-B; Enabulele V. Agbonlahor (1999) 67 LRCN 571; Edosomwan V. Ogbeyfun (1996) 4 NWLR (Pt. 4425) 266; Edih V. Idemudia (1998) 4 NWLR (Pt. 545) 231.