land law


Land is a very important and most basic form of property; of all tangible assets capable of ownership and possession, it is the king of property. As property, capable of ownership and possession by individuals, it consists of the immovable and indestructible 3-dimensinal area of the earth surface – a given length and breadth of a portion of the earth surface including the space above and the depth below, and comprises everything lying or buried inside it, anything growing on it and anything permanently fixed to it. The legal constituents thereof include not only the solid materials (yam, gold, coal, etc.) but also the liquids (water, petroleum oil, etc.) and the gasses (associated and non-associated).

It is not for nothing that land, as property, is separated from other movable and destructible assets by being referred to as Real Property, or Realty, for short, which term encompasses land and all that are so attached to it, so erected on it or so fixed to it such that they cannot be removed or separated from it without injury to the land.

From the foregoing it is pretty clear that a man well loaded with all other riches and wealth but who has no sizeable portion of land to his name is a man, among men, still largely dependent and vulnerable. Land or Real Property hosts all other property.

Of all wars fought all over the world, interest in and ownership of land was the direct or remote cause of an astounding high percentage of them. The binding sinew of majority of families, clans and communities is land, just as several of these natural relationship bonds have been severed and cut asunder by land related disputes.

The percentage of civil cases in our courts the subject-matters or Causes of Action of which are land-related speak vociferously of the high importance of land issues in the life of the people, generally, and of the very high importance of Land Law skill and knowledge of the lawyer, especially. It is no gainsaying that a practicing lawyer with some good mastery of even a bit of land law principles, and who knows where to find the rest when he needs them, is on his way to the top. You are welcome to the Study and Practice Notes of Land Law Principles and authorities. It is to serve as a veritable Electronic (and Mobile) Land Law Library. It is for Law Students, practicing Lawyers Law Lecturers and Researchers. If you make it your complementary law library and rely on it as your mobile companion, you will never again be found wanting on any land law related issue.
