The onus of proving the identity of a parcel of land in dispute is on the Plaintiff or Claimant who is seeking declaration of the title to the land. It is the Plaintiff’s responsibility to prove clearly and unequivocally the area to which his claim relates. It is however trite law that the burden of proof is obviated or removed where the identity and extent of the land in dispute is well known by all parties to the dispute, and so never in issue. Ayuya & Ors. V. Yonrin & Ors. (2011) 10 NWLR (Pt. 1254) 135. Umoru V. Adama (2018) HELAR ratio 1 Lack of proof of the identity of the land claimed will make it impossible for any declaration or injunction to issue – Okunriboye V. Osuma (2017) All FWLR (Pt. 866) 342 CA.